Possible Nav bug

edited February 2013 in Bug Reports
Not sure if this is a bug or not, but when I try to make 2 menu items have location = empty or '' I get an error.

ie. I want a top menu item as a place-holder for a drop-down menu, but not clickable.

Anyone found a workaround?


  • edited 2:32PM
    Is this in the CMS or in the views/_variables/nav.php file? If it's in the CMS, make sure it has a different nav key value then the other menu item.
  • edited 2:32PM
    It's in the CMS.
    Yes, they have different Nav Key's and different Label's, but the 2nd item won't save with a blank location.
  • edited 2:32PM
    There is a compound unique key assigned to the fuel_navigation table of group_id, location, parent_id, and language. Out of curiosity, why do you need a menu item at the same parent level that goes to the same link?
  • edited 2:32PM
    Not the same link... no link. Header of a drop-down menu which is not clickable.
    If that makes sense.
  • edited 2:32PM
    Well, from FUEL's perspective, 2 blank locations with an empty value is the same as 2 home links. What if you enter in a # for one of them?
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