This is a question really, though it could be a feature request. First let me say that the new
has_many feature is one of the coolest things to come down the pike in some time! So here's the situation:
I'm working on a games site where people can log in and customize their own games based on ones that are available in the CMS. A fuel_user is created in the CMS and related to a table called '
clients'. When the new user is created in the '
fuel_users' table an
on_after_save is used to create a record in the '
clients table' where the client enters some additional info after logging in.
So, the 2 keys in the clients table are `id` and `fuel_user_id`. A `client_id` key is stored in the '
client_games' table as well as the '
prizes' table where prize records are created by clients to offer players of their games. I'd like to be able to use the
has_many feature in the
client_games_model to create a multi-select of the prizes containing only the `client_id` key.
You mention in the 1.0 user_guide that a WHERE can be added.
Since this is placed at the top of the model like this...
class Client_games_model extends Base_module_model
public $has_many = array('attributes' => array('prizes' => array(FUEL_FOLDER => 'prizes_model', 'where' => 'client_id = <client_id variable>'));
function __construct()
parent::__construct('client_games'); // table name
} would I get the `client_id`in there? Is there another way to accomplish this? There is another related table that doesn't need to be filtered and I'm using
has_many for it. However, for the prizes, I had actually created a $has_and_belongs_to_many the old way but since I had to add the
on_after_save for it, I can't use the new coolness of
You mentioned the following in the user_guide:
Note that both the has_many and belongs_to relationships use the on_after_save model hook to store relationship information. So, if you overwrite this method in your model and have one of these relationships assigned to your model, you must call parent::on_after_save($values); to properly save the relationship information.
If that's what I need to do in this case, from where exactly do I call parent::on_after_save($values)? The form_fields function? Also, how would I create more than one has_many relationship for multiple tables?
An alternative would be to try setting the has_many property in your model's form_fields method right before you call parent::form_fields($values); This gives you the $values array which has the client_id in it you need correct?
With regards to your $has_many property, is your prizes_model in the fuel/modules/fuel/models folder? If not, the FUEL_FOLDER array key should be changed to the module it belongs to with "app" being used for the application directory.
With regards to the on_after_save, you need to call parent::on_after_save($values); from within the on_after_save method like so:
function on_after_save($values) { $values = parent::on_after_save($values); .... return $values; }