/fuel/navigation is not working

edited January 2011 in Bug Reports
I've just install fuelcms 0.91 (from .zip) and found that Site -> Navigation (/fuel/navigation) is not working in adminpanel:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function fuel_nav() in W:\home\fuel.lo\www\fuel\application\views\_variables\global.php on line 9


  • edited 5:19AM
    Looking into this
  • edited 5:19AM
    That should be fixed now.
  • edited 5:19AM
    Thank you for nice support.
  • edited 5:19AM
    My test install is based on GIT repository from today (23rd November)...
    I added a few page but when I tried to view them in admin panel (view/edit options), I get: Call to undefined function fuel_nav()... everything else appears fine...
  • edited 5:19AM
    What file are you seeing that error in? Also, what platform? The fuel_helper which contains the fuel_nav function should be autoloaded and be available.
  • edited 5:19AM
    whats the solution for this error not mentioned here ....
  • edited 5:19AM
    I'm not sure what you are asking here. What is the problem you are seeing?
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