Welcome to the FUEL CMS Forums

edited November 2010 in News & Announcements
We look forward to hearing your comments and questions. Let the games begin...


  • edited 12:13AM
    Just found FUEL today. Installed and am loving the flexibility that I see. I have been wanting something that was a little stronger than MojoMotor and not as heavy as EE for some projects I have coming up.

    Thanks guys. Looking forward to the possibilities.

  • edited 12:13AM
    Welcome to the small (but growing) FUEL CMS community. Look forward to your input and contributions. And as always, please let us know if you have any issues.
  • edited December 2010

    will give the FUEL a try in coming hours/days. It looks rather brand new project. Any history or about page available? How many people are involved with development?

    Anyway it sounds great, cause CI is great.
  • edited 12:13AM
    Some thoughts on the installation process.

    Incase FUEL is not ment only for php programmers, installation should be automated like in WP or Joomla.

    Atleast installation should be more clearly documented.

    For an example how to alter .htaccess file:
    if your fuel installation directory is not webservers root directory please alter .htaccess file row 4: RewriteBase /your_installation_directory

    Also creating databases and tables can be confusing for "normal" folks :) guide them trough how to create the tables with phpmyadmin

    Anyway keep up the good work. FUEL definitely isn't just another CMS, cause there ain't many written on framework. Maybe in the future FUEL will that cap.
  • edited 12:13AM
    Thanks for the input. We've considered creating an installer and may do it at some point to help ease the installation process. FUEL's "sweet spot" is for developers that are familiar with installing CodeIgniter and creating databases for their web projects.
  • DatDat
    edited 12:13AM
    Just found FUEL yesterday. Installed it and going through the tutorials provided in the documentation. Just wanted to point out there should be a step or note during the installation saying that "FUEL is a fresh installation of CI but prepackaged with the FUEL CMS". Which would really sum up how to easily install a fresh pack of FUEL.

    I didn't fully understand how to make a fresh install until I found a similar statement on this forum.

    Keep up the good work! :D
  • edited 12:13AM
    This is timely, since we will be posting a 0.92 version shortly. I will include these comments to help clarify.
  • edited 12:13AM
    Hi, Just learned about Fuel CMS today researching suitable tools for a couple of projects. I have used CodeIgniter. I love the relative simplicity of your CMS built on CodeIgniter. In my view Fuel CMS seems superior to the alternatives, even in these early days.

    I found the references to CodeIgniter on the install page to be very helpful since the install is pretty much the same except for the Fuel CMS-specific confi settings. Now that I have cruised a bit of the forums, echo the suggestions for offering a separate set of demo files (even if they are packaged together). I also agree with the request for video learning resources. If my experience with FUEL CMS is a positive as I expect it will be, I would be happy to contribute somehow to video resources, in whatever way is helpful to you.

    Great stuff! Rick
  • edited 12:13AM
    Thanks for the nice note. We welcome any user contributed learning resources like video tutorials.

    With regards to the demo site, we're considering putting up a demo version of the latest on GitHub. Until then, the 0.91 branch is still available to download on GitHub which is what the blog series uses and is very similar to the 0.92 release if you are looking for coding examples.
  • edited 12:13AM
    This CMS is great! I am from Argentina (but currently living in Spain) and I used to code with CodeIgniter.
    Excelent job! I will try to contribute with the project with modules!
  • edited 12:13AM
    saludos estoy interesado en aprender este cms y no tengo claro algunas cosas
  • Wanted to introduce myself to the FuelCMS community. I've been working with Drupal fairly extensively, and began an App in Codeigniter, then realized that I needed CMS capabilities which I had no interest in writing from the ground up. Sorting through various CI CMSes led me here. I really like the way Fuel generates the content management backend from schemas and simple models. Thanks for the good work and good docs; I hope this project continues to thrive.
  • edited 12:13AM

    I have previously worked with CodeIgniter and loved the framework. I am looking forward to using Fuel.
  • edited 12:13AM
    hello everybody!
    i have problem with dynamic page title. My table have 3 fields is meta_title, meta_description, meta_keywords. How can i custom 3 meta page with fuel cms? example http://thietkelogon.com/service/basic--gii-php-thit-k-thng-hiu-cho-thng-hiu-mi

    i can't get page title...
  • edited 12:13AM
    Hi I am new to this forum. What is the markup for a code segment?
    Kind regards,

  • edited September 2015
    the <code> html tag.
  • edited 12:13AM
    I agree with bmrankin
  • Im learning how to using code html in this post

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