Site variables with CKEditor enabled

edited April 2011 in Bug Reports
Hi, I noticed that when the CKEditor is enabled in configuration, site variables (SV) also use it for editing their content.

This seems to me as a wrong thing, since I wanted to use SV for setting some email addresses and these things for a client and now the content gets surrounding

tags. I can't force the users to delete the tags manually, of course.

So what can be the solution? From what I know about the Fuel now, I'd suggest to force Markdown for SV or allow some configuration option for it. Or add some another parameter for SV, such as "HTML content/Plain content" and dynamically switching between the editor types?

What do you think? If we can agree on some kind of sloution, I'd be willing to implement it and send a pull request on github, because I like Fuel more and more and would like to contribute.


  • edited 2:14PM
    I see your point and thanks for the willingness to contribute. I've hopefully saved you the trouble and pushed a fix for it (it was to the site_variables_model::form_fields method).
  • edited 2:14PM
    Very well, even better! Thank you :)
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