Demo Site

edited February 2011 in Feature Requests

I was wondering if it would be possible for you to bundle the files needed/used for the demo site for fuelcms in a seperate folder in root of the 0.92 (master) version and future versions?

It would give people an idea of what files are needed and where they are for their own site instead of having to search through loads of files to try and figure it out. I think it could slow down the learning time for fuelcms and help people get started faster.



  • edited 8:17PM
    I actually debated that quite a bit so I'm glad to hear feedback. I was originally going to have the 0.92 be just like the 0.91 branch and by default be the demo site, but then there was the problem of needing to know what files were OK to delete for someone wanting a "fresh" install. The problem with having the demo come with the install was that it added some additional files to the install that would need to be deleted by users. I also debated creating a master_demo branch that would contain the latest version of FUEL with the demo site, but that usually winds up being a little more work trying to keep both branches up to date. So my decision was to keep them separate and leave the 0.91 branch up on GitHub for people to download as a reference (the 0.91 branch is referenced by the Learning FUEL CMS blog series and is close enough to 0.92).

    All that said, I like the idea as long as people are OK with deleting the demo folder and assets. It allows me to keep it in a single branch and gives people a single download. If anybody else has thoughts on this I'd be curious.
  • edited 8:17PM
    I'm glad you have thought about this.
  • edited 8:17PM
    My vote is keeping the demo site out of the core branch.

    Better yet, it would be great if my application could be completely separate from codeigniter and fuel. I believe this is possible with CI2.0 right? Or is this a problem because of how fuel has it's own controller system?
  • edited 8:17PM
    I guess it depends on what you mean by being completely separate. FUEL doesn't really have it's own controller system per se, it has a default 404 controller that is used to render view files if no controller/method is found.
  • edited 8:17PM
    I guess what I meant was if the file structure looked like
    /fuel/application (fuel app)
    /myapp (my app with clean directories)

    Or maybe it can already do this ?
  • edited 8:17PM
    When you say clean directories, do you mean the default CI install directories like config, controllers, libraries, helpers, views, models, etc (with the config files like database.php and config.php in the config folder)?

    Currently, the fuel/application folder that comes with FUEL does contain some libraries and helpers that are used for both the FUEL admin and the front end (the Asset library and associated helper are good examples of that). So from that standpoint, it's not a clean directory structure. Does that help?
  • edited 8:17PM
    First time here - it seems that there is no 'Demo Site' for the 'Demo Site'? I have to install the 'Demo Site'? If I've got that right - that's a bit of a misnomer and created confusion for me as a first time visitor.

    Can someone clarify? Not sure I want to install just to demo. I was hoping to demo and then install!

  • edited 8:17PM
    The demo site does require you to install. It also provides a bunch of examples for you through code to show how to create a site with FUEL.

    An example of what the front-end of the demo site looks like can be found here:
  • edited 8:17PM
    Thanks - I had seen that. Would be nice to play with FuelCMS with a few clicks, instead of finding time to install it first. I'm sure others think the same - and just move on. I'll try and get to it on the weekend.
  • edited 8:17PM
    Hey ,
    The following links in not working

    Its show error.
  • edited 8:17PM
    The demo site is currently offline. To see it in action, you'll need to download and install.
  • edited 8:17PM
    I just downloaded FUEL CMS and am trying to go through the tutorials. How can I download the demo?
  • edited 8:17PM
    The demo site is offline and hasn't been updated in quite some time unfortunately.
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