You have to create a route to have hyphens since they map to a controller method that can't have hyphens. If you are using just a view file to display a page (Opt-In Controller, FUEL will look for whatever the view file name is and it can include hyphens.
In ./fuel/config/config.php
$config['permitted_uri_chars'] = 'a-z 0-9~%.:_\-';
This defines what characters are allowed in URLs so in theory, yes.
However, there doesn't seem to be a natural way to achieve it since you can't have a hyphen in a class name.
It seems a bit unnatural to add to routes to achieve this.
A number of CodeIgniter user seem to suggest that replacing underscores (_) with hyphen (-) is a more suitable solution.
Is there any reason that Fuel CMS wouldn't adopt this approach?