Is it possible to keep custom admin URL?

edited December 2010 in Installation

Is it possible to keep custom admin URL?

Default Admin is like this -->
And I need like this -->

Can I do this by route? or it's not possible?


  • edited 2:59AM
    You could add the following routes to get you to the login page. However, currently the links within the admin get directed to fuel/....
    $route['admin'] = 'fuel/login';
    $route['admin/(:any)'] = 'fuel/$1';

    This may change in the future though
  • edited 2:59AM
    I posted some changes yesterday to allow you to do this. All you should have to do is set the $config['fuel_path'] parameter in you MY_fuel.php config file now. Let me know if you run into any issues.
  • edited 2:59AM
    admin i try all you told but not working will you please tell me once what to do in MY_fuel.php for solve this problem?
  • edited June 2015
  • edited 2:59AM
    There should be a fuel_path configuration value that you can use to set the admin route in the fuel/application/config/MY_fuel.php (the first config value listed)
    $config['fuel_path'] = 'admin/';
  • edited 2:59AM
    i already do that but when i go to the url through myurl/admin then redirecting a new path like myurl/admin/login/some numeric charecter and that called 404 not found
  • edited 2:59AM
    so whats wrong with me?
  • edited 2:59AM
    Do you have the admin enabled? To verify, there is a config value that you can specify which is below the fuel_path value:
    $config['admin_enabled'] = TRUE;

    If that is set to TRUE already, do you have the .htaccess setup correctly and mod_rewrite working (should have been covered on the install page)?
  • edited 2:59AM
    what to do in .htaccess and mod_rewrite
  • edited 2:59AM
    First make sure that .htaccess is enabled and the mod_rewrite module is installed with Apache on your server. If FUEL was installed on your webserver in a subfolder, then you'll need to modify the .htaccess RewriteBase value to:
    RewriteBase /myfolder/
  • edited 2:59AM
    how to use my front panel?
  • edited 2:59AM
    Do you mean the CMS? If so, you should be able to browse to it as /admin (if you changed the fuel_path config value to "admin").
  • edited 2:59AM
    can you tell me what type of encryption method is using for store the user password in database . i try to registration the users from my front panel so what type of encryption method have to use???
    i used md5() , base64_encode() but both of these not working .
  • edited 2:59AM
    1)how to modify the left navigation menu in admin panel?
    2)can i rename these menu items title?
    3)why "categories" not found in left navigation menu for super admin also?
    4)can i add a menu item like Country , state,Product?
  • edited 2:59AM
    1-2, 4) There is a $config['nav'] value you can set in your fuel/application/config/MY_fuel.php file which takes a $key=>$val array of urls and labels. By default, it uses the value in the fuel/modules/fuel/config/fuel.php file.
    3) In fuel/application/config/MY_fuel.php MY_fuel_modules, it is set at hidden by default so you just need to comment that out.

    To answer your previous question about user encryption, it uses a combination of sha1 and an salt value. You can see it in the fuel_users_model.php file.
  • edited 2:59AM
    This was good information about changing /fuel to /admin. +1
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