CRON settings in V1.2

edited December 2014 in News & Announcements
After installing the cron module in FUEL v1.2.1, I couldn't save a new cron script in the FUEL backend and received an error = "There was an error in creating your cronjob. Please check to make sure the file can be written to fuel/cron/crontab.txt" .
Even though the cron folder has been moved to fuel/modules/cronjobs/cron/, it seems the system still looks in fule/cron.

I managed to fix it be updating the cron folder path in "fuel/modules/cronjobs/config/cronjobs.php" to "modules/cronjobs/cron" and all seems to be working.

Am I on the correct path?


  • edited 1:59PM
    Looks like you are right (although you could also create a folder at fuel/cron and make it writable to work). I can make an update to the repo with the following:
    $config['cronjobs']['crons_folder'] = CRONJOBS_PATH.'crons/';
  • edited 1:59PM
    I am getting error while creating cron in admin dashboard.
    There was an error in creating your cronjob. Please check to make sure the file can be written to /var/www/httpdocs/fuel//var/www/httpdocs
  • edited 1:59PM
    I've just posted a potential fix for the path to the file which may be causing part of your issue.
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