Help in loading a module

edited May 2015 in Modules
I have created a module. It appears in admin panel. when i click that module name the url is like localhost/myfolder/fuel/controllername. this throws an error namely module does not exist. When I give my controller name such as localhost/myfolder/controllername it works fine. can u pls help me to remove Fuel/ ehat appends when i click module name from admin panel?


  • edited 3:14PM
    Is this an advanced module that has it's own folder in the fuel/modules/ folder? If so, there should be a generated fuel/modules/{my_module}/config/{my_modules}_routes.php file. This file is where you may need to change/create routes specific to your advanced module.
  • edited 3:14PM
    Yes I found it out and it worked. Thanks for your kind help.
    Now i m facing another issue. please let me know how to include css file of an asset folder that is inside a custom module. It takes the default path(localhost/foldername/assets) and says as file not found. But it must take localhost/folder/modules/mymodule/assets. Please help
  • edited 3:14PM
    If it is for the backend admin area, it will automatically load the style sheet with the same name as the module at fuel/modules/my_module/assets/css/my_module.css.

    For the front end, there is a second parameter you can pass in the css function which will tell it to load from a different module:
    <?=css('my_css', 'my_module')?>
  • edited 3:14PM
    It worked. Thanks a lot for your help.
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