Comments in blog - email not working

edited May 2015 in Modules
In my blog settings i set monitor comments to be true. If i post comment its coming comment will be posted once author approves it. But no mail came for author.Please help on the issue


  • edited 2:35PM
    what have you done to try and resolve the problem yourself? perhaps your webserver's email system isn't working?
  • edited 2:35PM
    i added configure settings in my controller. I am getting just the message "Thanks for your comment.Comments for this posting are being monitored and will be published upon the author's approval." Notification mail for author is not going.Please help to proceed
  • edited 2:35PM
    The blog author has a proper email address in the Users module (not the blog authors module)? Also, if an email isn't being sent, are you sure PHP can send mail on the server you are testing to begin with (like what almostcompletely asked)?
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