Problems in installation with ubuntu 14.04 LTS

edited December 2014 in Bug Reports
Hi I have just added a fuel cms folder in my html folder in ubuntu. I am not able to see the login page, the admin page localhost/fuelcms/fuel shows 404 error
I have done the following things but still can't figure out the problem
1. made folders writable
2. admin_enabled to TRUE
3. fuel mode to AUTO
4. I can view the test file created in views like localhost/fuelcms/index.php/test
5 .changed the database settings
6. In the error log I get this error " Class 'controller' not found in /var/www/html/zehen/fuel/codeigniter/core/CodeIgniter.php on line 308 ";

Can you help me with anything here


  • edited 7:00PM
    So that was a case of missing input.php in confiig.php, but I have been unable to remove that index.php from url, although my mod_rewrite is enabled.
  • edited 7:00PM
    Is .htaccess enabled for that folder?
  • edited December 2014
    my .htaccess is something like

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /foldername/

    My foldername rests inside html directory
    rest I did not change
  • edited 7:00PM
    I didn't get it to work with localhost, although I created a virtual host and changed .htaccesss to RewriteBase / and changed $config['index_page'] to blank, everything seems to work normal now, but still can't get my head fixed around that issue.
  • edited 7:00PM
    What I meant by .htaccess being enabled was that you may want to check the Apache conf file to see if .htaccess is enabled for that folder (not that a .htaccess file existed in that folder).
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