FREE: Source Code for my Photo Gallery Module

edited November 2014 in Modules
I created this a while back. You can download the source code. I would appreciate it if we could re-organize this source code and contribute more to the Fuel CMS Community..



Things I probably did wrong.
* I don't know that I did things correctly with the Fuel CMS Git Install.
* I also had to create a module file in the app/module folder. Is that correct?
* References a lot of files out of the module's folder


  • edited 11:28AM
    thats great i am the first one i think going to use it ...let see whats happens
  • edited 11:28AM
    u have made two folder one is gallerymanager and other one is sample-code why there are two ...dont get it please can u tell
  • edited 11:28AM
    i have set gallerymanger module but no naviagation links are working i think lot of things need to correct...
  • edited 11:28AM
    Thanks JB! I am working with your module and works fine. But i cannot show the module if this was assigned to other user that do not be the superadmin. Any idea to fix that ? Thanks in advanced
  • edited 11:28AM
    Hey! How yo doing! I have good news.

    To grant access to other user (not superadmin) to the gallerymanager module, we need first, add the permissions from the option menu on the CMS like the tutorial says. Then, we need to edit these permissions, changing the default "name". For our case, we need 3 permissions:

    1. Gallery Manager( the name would be "tools/gallerymanager" )
    2. Create Group ( the name would be "tools/gallerymanager/add_group" )
    3. Help ( the name would be "tools/gallerymanager/help" )

    Thanks for you time. See you on the next issue !
  • edited 11:28AM
    Thanks JBWebServices for your module and your time ,
    I used this gallery and these are some points I faced :
    1. gallery_model.php is missing I took it from sample code and create models folder.
    2. I can't do anything until I create a gallery and there is no link to make it so I create it manually in database , maybe in future I will make a link.
    3. paths of javascript and css files doesn't work , so I add "site_url()" before any src url.
    4.when uploading images , preview of images doesn't appear because of invalid path , so I change gallerymanager.js line no. 490 & 491
    $('#upload_image').attr('src', site_url + '/tempupload/' + jsonObj.resize_path);
    $('#preview_thumb').attr('src', site_url + '/tempupload/' + jsonObj.resize_path);
    I defined site_url in view gallery_manager.php

    there are more but that is enough for today , maybe another time
  • edited 11:28AM

    Please guide me also to add Gallery in our modules.
  • edited 11:28AM
    I fixed almost of this module issues , you can download fixed version from this link
  • edited 11:28AM
    Hi is this gallerymanager only for back-end reasons?
    Is it possible in FUEL CMS to integrate
    best regards,
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