News module import to the CMS pages

edited October 2014 in Modules
Hi All,

I've built a news module base on the tutorial

And now, I would like to import the news view file into the my CMS pages but it said it cannot be upload.

May i seek your advice that what should I do? Or any recommendation for me that I also built a Carousel slideshow module and it's view file will be show in the same page above the news.

Many thanks.


  • edited 6:58PM
    Normally, if there is a lot of PHP logic in a view file, say for example, you are grabbing images from the module to include in your slideshow and looping through their information to display, it's best to put that logic in a block file (e.g. fuel/application/views/_blocks/slideshow.php). Then in the CMS, you can call that block like so:
    {fuel_block('slideshow')}<?code> In addition, if you are wanting to add custom parameters to the block, then I'd recommend something like a block layout which you can customize on a per page basis (think of it as a nested set of layout fields for a page):
  • edited 6:58PM

    Many thanks and it's what I am looking for.

    But I fact another question, I get 404 error when I click slug linking or readmore even my coding is same as the tutorial.

    I try to call the news_item but there's no data. Is my setting something wrong?

    Thanks a lot.
  • edited 6:58PM
    Can you provide a code example. I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean by call "news_item"?
  • edited 6:58PM

    Here is my module (news_module) which under "\fuel\application\models"
    <?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); require_once(FUEL_PATH.'models/base_module_model.php'); class News_model extends Base_module_model { public $required = array('headline'); public $record_class = 'News_item'; public $parsed_fields = array('content'); function __construct() { parent::__construct('news'); } function list_items($limit = NULL, $offset = NULL, $col = 'release_date', $order = 'desc') { $this->db->select('id, headline, slug, language, release_date, published'); $data = parent::list_items($limit, $offset, $col, $order); return $data; } function on_before_clean($values) { if (empty($values['slug'])) $values['slug'] = url_title($values['headline'], 'dash', TRUE); if (!intval($values['release_date'])) $values['release_date'] = datetime_now(); return $values; } function form_fields($values = array()) { $fields = parent::form_fields(); $fields['slug']['comment'] = 'If no slug is provided, one will be provided for you'; $fields['release_date']['comment'] = 'A release date will automatically be created for you of the current date if left blank'; return $fields; } function _common_query() { parent::_common_query(); // to do active and published $this->db->order_by('release_date desc'); } } class News_item_model extends Base_module_record { protected $_date_format = 'F d, Y'; function get_url() { if (!empty($this->link)) return $this->link; return site_url('news/'.$this->slug); } function get_excerpt_formatted($char_limit = NULL, $readmore = '') { $this->_CI->load->helper('typography'); $this->_CI->load->helper('text'); $excerpt = $this->content; if (!empty($char_limit)) { // must strip tags to get accruate character count $excerpt = strip_tags($excerpt); $excerpt = character_limiter($excerpt, $char_limit); } $excerpt = auto_typography($excerpt); $excerpt = $this->_parse($excerpt); if (!empty($readmore)) { $excerpt .= ' '.anchor($this->get_url(), $readmore, 'class="readmore"'); } return $excerpt; } } ?>

    Here is my view file (news.php) under "\fuel\application\views\_blocks"
    <?php $slug = uri_segment(2); if (!empty($slug)) { $news_item = fuel_model('news', array('find' => 'one', 'where' => array('slug' => $slug))); if (empty($news_item)) show_404(); } else { $news = fuel_model('news', array('limit' => 2, 'where' => array ('language' => $language), 'order' => 'release_date desc')); } ?> <?php if (!empty($news_item)) : ?> <?php fuel_set_var('page_title', $news_item->headline); ?> <blockquote class="blockquote-red news_item"> <h4 class="heading-red"><?=$news_item->headline?></h4> <p><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></i> <?=$news_item->release_date_formatted?></p> <p><?=$news_item->content_formatted?></p> </blockquote> <?php else: ?> <?php foreach($news as $item) : ?> <blockquote class="blockquote-red"> <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></i> <?=$item->release_date_formatted?> <?=$item->get_excerpt_formatted(200, 'Read more »')?> </blockquote> <?php endforeach; ?> <?php endif; ?>

    Here is my MY_fuel_modules.php setting:
    /*********************** OVERWRITES ************************************/ $config['module_overwrites']['categories']['hidden'] = TRUE; // change to FALSE if you want to use the generic categories module $config['module_overwrites']['tags']['hidden'] = TRUE; // change to FALSE if you want to use the generic tags module /*********************** /OVERWRITES ************************************/ $config['modules']['news'] = array( 'preview_path' => 'news/{slug}' );
  • edited 6:58PM
    Did you specify which view to use for the detail page. Here is some more information on how to do that:
  • edited 6:58PM
    @admin Thanks it works!!!

    And sorry for my careless that I missed to study the last part of the tutorial.
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