Newsletter module

edited October 2014 in News & Announcements
Hi to @admin and all users is there a good tutorial for creating newsletter module or is there any newsletter module available to use having the ability to send emails from admin to all subscribers etc


  • edited 11:29AM
    There currently is not a newsletter module. However, there is a Forms module in beta that can be found at the URL below that captures information into a database. The part missing is the sending out of emails from the system. However, we would normally recommend using something like a Campaign Monitor or MailChimp to do more advanced tracking of emails being sent out. If so, there is an Export button that can be used from the form entries:

    To view the documentation you can install the user_guide advanced module and look under the Modules area in the documentation or simply look at the raw HTML found at the views/_docs/index.php. The documentation will appear in the site hopefully within the next week or so:
  • edited 11:29AM
    hi @admin Fatal error: Call to undefined function fuel_nav() in...suddenly i got this error dont know how this happened and how to solve it please help me
    kind regards
  • edited 11:29AM
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function fuel_nav() in .................\views\_variables\global.php
  • edited 11:29AM
    while auto load has as well fuel/fuel that is
    $autoload['helper'] = array('my', 'url', 'string', 'language', 'date', 'html', 'fuel/asset', 'fuel/fuel', 'fuel/utility', 'fuel/validator');
  • edited 11:29AM
    i have solved the issue .............there was issue with controller...
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