[SOLVED] Showing admin menu problems
I don´t see clear how to show the admin menus in the page.
I tried this :<?php echo fuel_nav(array('group_id' => 'main' )) ?>
this: <?php echo fuel_nav(array('1' => 'main' )) ?>
this: <?php $this->fuel->navigation->group(array('1'=>'main', 'var'=>'main')) ?>
I really see documentation a bit confunsing, is the topmenu a predefine Fuel menu?, or is created with variable. In the blog there a tutorial but there is no download to se how is made inside, that could be much more easy to compare between what is done and what I am doing.
<?php echo fuel_nav() ?>
When you say documentation, do you mean these pages:
I have read documentation, those two pages, and also tried these solutions too.
I know is probably the most stupid thing, something in the configuration?.
If i put this $config['fuel_mode'] = 'views'; to auto, I get a blank page.
Thanks for your time.
And now this is working perfect <?=fuel_nav(array('group_id' => 'id'))?> if you change the ID it works.
for example: topmenu group id 4:
<?=fuel_nav(array('group_id' => 4))?>
Thanks again.