Page Cache outputting to view

edited October 2014 in Bug Reports
I have a weird issue. I've got page and block caching working fine on my site other than on my product detail page the first time it loads it outputs the full arrays of everything that is going into the cache into the top of the view above the tag.

If I reload the page then it is saved into the cache and the array is no longer outputted... any idea what's going on?


  • edited 1:05AM
    I think I'd need a code example in order to fully understand the issue you are having.
  • edited 1:05AM
    It's dumping over 2000 lines of code above the tag in the form of all the arrays that are being passed to the view i.e.

    [@attributes] => Array
    [count] => 1
    [count_available] => 64

    [row] => Array
    [@attributes] => Array
    [id] => 1

    [desc1] => CASTLEFIELD BLEND ITWB (368) 73MM
    [part] => Array
    [0] => 03700165
    [1] => 03700165

    [retail_price] => 0.00
    [t_note] => Array
    [0] =>


    [price] => 54.00

    [lv1query] => Array
    [0] => stdClass Object
    [id] => 2
    [product_number] => 00
    [product_name] => Heavy Building Materials
    [precedence] => 1
    [published] => yes
    [image] => heavy-building-materials-category-headers.jpg
    [link] => heavybuildingmaterials

    [1] => stdClass Object
    [id] => 3
    [product_number] => 01
    [product_name] => Landscaping
    [precedence] => 0
    [published] => yes
    [image] => AandG_main.jpg
    [link] => landscaping

    [2] => stdClass Object
    [id] => 4
    [product_number] => 02
    [product_name] => Timber & Sheet Materials
    [precedence] => 0
    [published] => yes
    [image] => Timber-Frame-Builder-202.jpg
    [link] => timbersheetmaterial

    [3] => stdClass Object
    [id] => 5
    [product_number] => 03
    [product_name] => Chemicals & Janitorial
    [precedence] => 0
    [published] => yes
    [image] => Janitorial-Services-Fort-Lauderdale.jpg
    [link] => chemicalsjanitorial

    [4] => stdClass Object
    [id] => 6
    [product_number] => 04
    [product_name] => Civils
    [precedence] => 0
    [published] => yes
    [image] => 14_5_ISL-Field-Demo-11.7_.06-043_.jpg
    [link] => civils

    [5] => stdClass Object
    [id] => 7
    [product_number] => 05
    [product_name] => Roofing
    [precedence] => 0
    [published] => yes
    [image] => 3970287_orig.jpg
    [link] => roofing
  • edited 1:05AM
    Oh FFS! Sorry please ignore me I found a rogue print_r($data) I was using to debug... It was the fact that it disappeared when the page was cached that was confusing me...

    Any ideas why it would only print the $data sent from the controller once before being cached?
  • edited 1:05AM
    A few questions:
    1. What are your'use_page_cache' in FUEL? The default found in fuel/modules/fuel/config/fuel.php is the following but can be overwritten in your fuel/application/config/MY_fuel.php file:
    // turn on cache. Can be TRUE/FALSE or cms $config['use_page_cache'] = 'cms';
    2. Also, do you have cache turned on in the normal CI fuel/application/config/config.php file?
    3. Where are you printing out the data?
    4. Perhaps some code examples of how you are rendering the page (is it using a controller or is it simply a view getting routed through the fuel/page_router controller), and how are you rendering the blocks?
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