FuelCMS on Google App Engine

edited August 2014 in Installation
Hi, starting a new venture with a friend. Trying to get FuelCMS up and running on Google App Engine. I think there are a number of issues I will have to deal with but the first is tackling the YAML file which holds the application configuration settings as well as routing options. Anyone set up FuelCMS on GAE or intending to in the future? Any good places to start? Thanks in advance.


  • edited 9:35PM
    i am not really sure of YAML routing thing, but from the document here https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/php/gettingstarted/uploading
    it says "Edit the app.yaml file, then change the value of the application: setting from helloworld to your registered application ID." only

    and from https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/php/gettingstarted/uploading i think git way maybe a good way to try
  • edited August 2014
    Do you need to have htaccess in-order to run fuel?

    Edited: No, you don't > index.php/path/path/
  • edited 9:35PM
    Okay, next problem.

    - FuelCMS running on WAMP
    - FuelCMS running on GAE

    I set new password, e.g. password123, but now when I try to login its saying invalid login. I can see my credentials are correct in SQL but it won't sign me in. Has this issue ever occurred before?
  • edited 9:35PM
    try username admin password admin?
  • edited August 2014
    admin/admin works initially and if I sign off and sign in again with admin/admin, works great. But if I change my password to something else, e.g. password123, sign off and try to sign in, I get Invalid login. Any ideas? Otherwise CMS is working great both in GAE and in WAMP.

    Solved in this discussion: http://forum.getfuelcms.com/discussion/1869#Item_9.
  • edited 9:35PM
    The initial 1.2 release had a problem with passwords if you downloaded it shortly after the release announcement which requires a redownload:
    Perhaps this is the issue?
  • edited 9:35PM
    Yes. This is the issue. Thank you.
  • edited 9:35PM
    Okay, next problem - images are not uploading.

    1. I click upload and select image to upload
    2. Response > Data has been saved.
    3. I check assets/images folder, nothing uploaded.

    Is this simply a folder permission problem OR possibly something else?

    Thank you.
  • edited 9:35PM
    Also, I copied an image from another folder across just to test the delete, it deletes the images fine, just can't upload.
  • edited 9:35PM
    On another note, just tried to upload what I have to GAE, getting the following errors:

    2014-08-30 16:29:48,924 ERROR appcfg.py:1896 Invalid character in filename: fuel/modules/fuel/views/_generate/model/{model}_model.php
    2014-08-30 16:29:48,938 ERROR appcfg.py:1896 Invalid character in filename: fuel/modules/fuel/views/_generate/model/sql/{table}.sql
    2014-08-30 16:29:48,982 ERROR appcfg.py:1896 Invalid character in filename: fuel/modules/fuel/views/_generate/advanced/views/_admin/{module}.php
    2014-08-30 16:29:48,986 ERROR appcfg.py:1896 Invalid character in filename: fuel/modules/fuel/views/_generate/advanced/libraries/Fuel_{module}.php
    2014-08-30 16:29:48,992 ERROR appcfg.py:1896 Invalid character in filename: fuel/modules/fuel/views/_generate/advanced/language/english/{module}_lang.php
    2014-08-30 16:29:48,999 ERROR appcfg.py:1896 Invalid character in filename: fuel/modules/fuel/views/_generate/advanced/helpers/{module}_helper.php
    2014-08-30 16:29:49,002 ERROR appcfg.py:1896 Invalid character in filename: fuel/modules/fuel/views/_generate/advanced/controllers/{module}_module.php
    2014-08-30 16:29:49,006 ERROR appcfg.py:1896 Invalid character in filename: fuel/modules/fuel/views/_generate/advanced/config/{module}.php
    2014-08-30 16:29:49,009 ERROR appcfg.py:1896 Invalid character in filename: fuel/modules/fuel/views/_generate/advanced/config/{module}_constants.php
    2014-08-30 16:29:49,012 ERROR appcfg.py:1896 Invalid character in filename: fuel/modules/fuel/views/_generate/advanced/config/{module}_routes.php
    2014-08-30 16:29:49,023 ERROR appcfg.py:1896 Invalid character in filename: fuel/modules/fuel/views/_generate/advanced/assets/js/{ModuleName}Controller.js
    2014-08-30 16:29:49,029 ERROR appcfg.py:1896 Invalid character in filename: fuel/modules/fuel/views/_generate/advanced/assets/css/{module}.css

    Is _generate folder files required and why is the file name written as {name}.ext?
  • edited 9:35PM
    The {...} are swapped out with associated variables with the generate command:
  • edited 9:35PM
    Okay, understand. Stopping on GAE, uploading files to Azure.
  • edited 9:35PM
    Works in Azure.
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