Form Field Types (Text rendering as Text Area)

edited March 2014 in Bug Reports
I am trying to 'cast' a password field as a text field.$fields['password'] = array('type' => 'text');However, it is showing as a Text Area in the Form and not a Text Field.



  • edited 6:38PM
    Since the field name is "password" there is a representative value that is overriding that. Add the parameter "ignore_representative" => TRUE:
    $fields['password'] = array('type' => 'text', 'ignore_representative' => TRUE);
    More on representatives can be found here:
  • edited 6:38PM
    Awesome. Thanks for the tip.

    I had also set a field 'URL' to be a text field (changed from a select), but it too rendered as a textarea. Is the reason the same?
  • edited 6:38PM
    Sounds like it.
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