Terminal installing extensions

edited February 2014 in Installation
Hi, it is possible install extensions (like search, google analytics etc...) without using the terminal?


  • edited 10:07AM
    Yep. Try the following:

    1. Download the zip file, unzip it, rename the folder name to the module name (e.g. search, google_analytics, etc) and place it in the fuel/modules folder
    2. Add the module name to the fuel/application/config/MY_fuel.php $config['modules_allowed'] array
    3. Run any SQL in the modules install directory and you may need to add a permission

    Alternatively, you can browse to the following URI if you are logged in fuel/installer/install/{module_name}
  • edited 10:07AM
    Hi, i tried to follow this methods.
    I downloaded backup module... i rename the folder in: backup_module and uploaded it in fuel/modules folder. So, i add 'backup_module' in $config['modules_allowed'] array. Any mysql scripts are present. But... nada, not appear nothing in dashboard.

    I tried to navigate to follow link:
    http://www.mydomain.com/fuel/installer/install/backup_module, but is showing this error: There was an error installing the 'backup_module' module.
  • edited 10:07AM
    I apologize, there is my error... i changed name of folder in "backup" and works fine.
    Thank you very much ;)
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