How to load textarea without wysiwyg in blocks

edited February 2014 in Modules
I am trying to customize the blocks module in cms. I dont want it to load wysiwyg editor and display plain textarea.


  • edited 10:31PM
    You can add the parameter 'class' => 'no_editor' to your form field
  • edited 10:31PM
    I am referring to
    Should I modify /fuel/modules/fuel/models/fuel_blocks_model.php
  • edited 10:31PM
    ok here is how I did this;
    I modified /fuel/modules/fuel/models/fuel_blocks_model.php

    // to prevent <p> tags from cropping up $fields['view']['ckeditor_options']['enter-mode'] = 1;
    updated to

    // disabled ckeditor for cms blocks module 2014-02-24 $fields['view'] = array('type' => 'textarea', 'cols' => 40, 'rows' => 5, 'class' => 'no_editor'); // to prevent <p> tags from cropping up //$fields['view']['ckeditor_options']['enter-mode'] = 2;
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