I am sure its something basic that I am missing.
I have following models
the idea is that categories have many projects have many images, I am trying to get tree functionality working and link these modules together so I may upload multiple images when defining projects, or add a category when defining a project etc. am I using has_many incorrectly?
//in project_images_model
public $has_many = array('project_id' => array(FUEL_FOLDER => 'project_images_model');
//in projects_model
public $has_many = array('project_id' => array(FUEL_FOLDER => 'project_categories_model');
1. Can a project belong to only one category?
2. Will the images be associated to only one project?
Image can be associated with one project (n:1) where n=images
// in the projects model public $foreign_keys = array('category_id' => array(FUEL_FOLDER => 'fuel_categories_model'));
// in the projects model public $foreign_keys = array('project_id' => 'projects_model');
Although the dropdown for the category in the projects form will automatically be generated, the images will need to actually be manually added in the forms_fields method. You could do something like this:
... if (!empty($values['id'])) { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->module_model('project_images_model'); $images = $CI->project_images_model->options_list('id', 'name', array('project_id' => $values['id'])); $str = ''; foreach($images as $key => $image) { $edit_uri = ($CI->fuel->admin->is_inline()) ? 'inline_edit' : 'edit'; $str .= '<a href="'.fuel_url('project_images/'.$edit_uri.'/'.$key).'">' . $image . '</a><br>'; } $create_uri = ($CI->fuel->admin->is_inline()) ? 'inline_create' : 'create'; $str .= '<br><br><a href="'.fuel_url('project_images/'.$create_uri).'" class="btn_field">Add</a><br>'; ...
I understand now the mapping of foreign_keys however the tree functionality is still not working. It just says no data to display.
// in projects_model - this populates the categories properly in form and listing but tree view displays no data
public $foreign_keys = array('project_category_id' => array('category_id' => 'project_categories_model'));
function tree()
return $this->_tree('foreign_keys');
But its only showing one record under each category.
It is displaying the category's record id for each record under it, when it should be the actual record id of that record.