Recommendation on keeping code up to date

edited January 2011 in Installation
First off I love that you are updating fuel cms on a frequent basis! I have the desire to use this cms with many projects and want to know if you have a recommendation on how to keep the code up to date for each project. Downloading manually and copying files etc would not seem to be the most efficient way. I have done some reading about github but am having difficulty in understanding how to keep fuel cms current with the repository while maintaining my custom changes for look and feel etc. on a project by project basis. Any pointers?


  • edited 2:53AM
    This is a problem we face as we are still getting to know git ourselves (was actually researching better ways to do it yesterday). Try the following:

    1. Browse to a directory you want to make your changes (example):
    cd /var/www/path/to/my/dir/
    2. Type the following in your terminal window ("repo" is the folder name it will create)
    git clone "repo"
    3. Make your changes
    4. Do merges with
    git pull

    Any conflicts with the pull will be flagged as such and will need to be resolved. Let me know if that works for you or you have issues.
  • I will give this a shot and let you know how it goes. Also, another minor question, I need to update the 404 layout, should I update the template in the application/errors directory or is there a special view file I should put into the layouts directory to override the template?
  • edited 2:53AM
    The default 404 page that comes with FUEL is used as a starting point and is what should be modified. We often will need to go in there and make changes. It was a way for us to load in the layout without having to copy and past the raw generated HTML.
  • Just set a site up with git clone looks like everything is working great ... won't know how pull works until there are new updates but so far everything seems to have worked great. Wondering how the merge function will work... I will keep you up to date with how things go.
  • edited 2:53AM
    Good to hear. Look forward to the updates.
  • Just pulled down the most recent version of the code and had a couple of additional steps I had to take. Here were the steps:

    git pull
    which had conflicts since my changes are not checked in of course

    git stash save
    this was recommend to save my changes to the side so I could pull the latest from the repository

    git pull
    pulled down the changes

    git stash list
    to find the stash id

    git stash apply [stash id from list]
    update newer version with my changes

    git stash drop OR
    git stash pop OR
    git stash clear
    to clear saved stashes

    Anyway, hope this is helpful. This seems to be the best way to keep a site up to date with the changes that are being made to the repository.
  • edited 2:53AM
    Good to know.

    As an FYI, for those that are on the Mac and would like a nice GUI for git, you should try Tower:

    It's currently in beta, but is pretty nice. I tend to use the command line for most stuff because it can be quicker and easier in most cases, but sometimes the GUI comes in handy.
  • edited 2:53AM
    Ok GIT is a little bit hard to get used to. Maybe somebody can make a tutorial for dummies. Or even better maybe on the to do list we can make space for an update module Wordpress style. I would like to help but I am quite new to CI so it will take some time :)
  • edited 2:53AM
    That's a good idea to do a blog post on the subject. An update module would be nice as well, but as you can imagine, can be pretty tricky to implement. GIT is a cheap, although sometimes challenging, way for us to do it until we are able to bridge that gap.
  • edited 2:53AM
    hello I am Getting following problems. help. thanks in advance

    Cloning into 'repo;'...
    Permission denied (publickey).
    fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

    Please make sure you have the correct access rights
    and the repository exists.faiz
  • edited 2:53AM
    Are you using the Read Only Git URL:
  • edited 2:53AM
    how i can understand that git url is read only?

    i have tried to upgrade my fuel with the following process.

    1. Browse to a directory you want to make your changes (example):
    cd /var/www/path/to/my/dir/
    2. Type the following in your terminal window ("repo" is the folder name it will create)
    git clone "repo"
  • edited 2:53AM
    Try using this instead:

    Or you can look into creating an SSH key:
  • edited 2:53AM
    I ami using . not working. Anyway please help to add header(h1 and h2 ) tag with ckeditor integrated with fuel.
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