Best Way to Iterate through Categories...?
What would be the best way to iterate through parent categories, then look up tags that belong to the child categories etc.?
And then look up pages that have one or more of those tags?
How much can be done through framework vs direct select query?
Using the generic tags and categories modules.
However, the last part, tying it all back to the pages_model isn't directly supported out of the box but can be accommodated by overwriting the fuel_pages_model. Here's how to do that:
1. Add the following to the MY_fuel_modules.php file to allow us to overwrite the model associated with the Pages module:
$config['module_overwrites']['pages'] = array('model_name' => 'my_pages_model', 'model_location' => 'app');
2. Create the file "my_pages_model" file in the fuel/application/models folder. Note that we've extended the fuel_pages_model but just added the $has_many relationship. This will add a Tags field when creating a page:
require_once(FUEL_PATH.'models/fuel_pages_model.php'); class My_pages_model extends Fuel_pages_model { public $has_many = array('tags' => array('model' => array(FUEL_FOLDER => 'fuel_tags_model'))); }
3. The tags field doesn't look great so I would suggest creating a new custom tag field to handle that by using something like select2. More on custom fields can be found here:
To use that go to the following link and download the code:
4. Rename the downloaded folder to just say "select2" and put it in the assets/js/ folder
5. Move the select2.css file and put it in a assets/css/select2/ folder
6. Open up the select2.css file and replace all url(...) image paths to user "../../js/select2/" instead
7. Now we will create a class to house the code for creating the custom field. To do that create a class called MY_custom_fields and put it in the fuel/application/libraries/ folder:
class MY_custom_fields { function tags($params) { $form_builder =& $params['instance']; $js = '<script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ $(".field_type_tag").select2(); }) </script> '; $form_builder->add_js($js); $params['class'] = (!empty($params['class'])) ? $params['class'].' field_type_tag' : 'field_type_tag'; $params['type'] = 'select'; $params['multiple'] = TRUE; return $form_builder->create_select($params); } }
8. Lastly, create the associations for the custom field by adding the following to the fuel/application/config/custom_fields.php configuration file:
$fields['tags'] = array( 'class' => 'MY_custom_fields', 'function' => 'tags', 'css' => 'select2/select2', 'js' => array( 'select2/select2', ), 'represents' => array('name' => 'tags'), );
I know it seems like a lot of steps and it may be something we will try and improve upon in the future, however, this should allow you to make the appropriate associations you want to pages using tags.
Changing the name addresses that - I went with "Page Tags"
I'm going for a series of checkboxes, allowing multiple tags per page; but the select dropdown method might prove useful to someone else.
I'm exploring changing it into a multi field.
But for now this was easier: