Modified admin blog form in blog_posts_model.php but not displayed correctly in Production

edited April 2013 in Modules

I made some form adjustment on the blog_posts_model.php

In my Development environment, it works. The blog admin form reflects my changes.
But not in my Production. I have tried to clear the cache using admin but still not working.

Any advice for me?



  • edited 7:31PM
    Where specifically were the changes made? Things in the admin don't get cached (only the front end pages).
  • edited 7:31PM
    I added 2 additional field images to fuel_blog_posts table and modified some $fields variables.
  • edited 7:31PM
    Was the Production environment completely updated including the database tables?
  • edited 7:31PM
    Yes, the Production is updated. I created a simple database migration controller to run from CLI each time I do deployment.
  • edited 7:31PM
    I'm a bit stumped at the moment. If you've updated the database and files correctly then the changes should match what you are seeing in your dev environment. Is there perhaps some sort of load balancing on your production server?

    BTW, FUEL 1.0 allows you to run migrations by going to "fuel/migrate/latest".
  • edited 7:31PM
    There is no load balancing on my Production server.

    I think I'll give 1.0 a chance.

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