Using CKEDitor in my own modules.
Hi All,
How do I get to use the CKEditor in my own modules in 0.93? I have the following code when I am using formbuilder to create the form but I just get a simple textarea box.
$fields['make_content'] = array('type'=>'textarea','value'=> $make->make_content, 'class'=>'wysiwyg');
The config is set to ckeditor and is used in other parts of the CMS with no problems. It is only in my own advanced module that I just see a textbox. Is there something I need to do in the Javascript/form builder to get it to use ckeditor other than just defining a text area in the form builder and giving it a class of wysiwyg?
BTW I am using 0.93 and I am getting no errors in the console but noticed that all the relevant JS scripts are loaded...
// set jqx javascript parameters $this->js_controller_params['method'] = 'add_edit';
Yes I have my own controller for the advanced module I have created and have placed
$this->js_controller_params['method'] = 'add_edit';
In the controller methods that I want to use the ckeditor in. But I still do not see the ckeditor. Do I need to have my own Javascript controller too?
Is their a good example I can look at or some documentation that covers this?
$this->js_controller_params['method'] = 'validate';
In your controller, I'd try calling the "_initEditors" which would be inherited from the BaseFuelController (note how ValidateController extends the BaseFuelController).
However, I tried to copy the Vaidate.js file which kept spitting out a JS error on the console. So I created the object in a different manner.
var ManufacturerController = jqx.createController(fuel.controller.BaseFuelController,{