Can't submit forms with CSRF Protection Enabled

edited January 2011 in Bug Reports

I'm in the process of setting up a new website with Fuel. I was going through the config options changing little things here and there and checking nothing major went wrong.
I'm using the 0.91 branch with the demo site installed.

When I changed $config['csrf_protection'] = FALSE; to $config['csrf_protection'] = TRUE; in the config.php page submitting the contact form and the login form for the admin area both produced errors saying "The action you have requested is not allowed."



  • edited 7:00PM
    Thanks for the report. I'm looking into that.
  • edited 7:00PM
    I've just posted a fix for this to the Form_builder class to work just like the form_helpers. It leverages the existing "key_check" parameter which was intended for something similar and adds an additional parameter for the hidden fields name ("key_check_name").
  • edited 7:00PM
    Thanks I'll grab that and have a look.
  • edited 7:00PM
    This is still not working.
  • edited 7:00PM
    I'm looking into this issue. If you go to the form and refresh the page and then submit, it looks like the csrf cookie value will match (which is what I was seeing), but with an initial view of the page and a fresh cookie, it is causing a problem.
  • edited 7:00PM
    I just posted a fix for that issue (hopefully). It appears that you have to set the cookie again before rendering just to be sure the cookie is there on the initial page load. I'm wondering if this is an issue with the CI's native form_helper as well since I originally looked at that for help and didn't see that line there to regenerate the cookie.
  • edited 7:00PM
    This still seems to cause a problem in the admin section of fuel if you try to delete a record from a module.
  • edited 7:00PM
    I'll check that out... I ran into an issue the other day importing the views when that was turned on as well (and have since posted a fix for that). I have a feeling it may be in issue in other places that are using javascript to submit form parameters. The reason is because the csrf hidden field value needs to be sent along in the post.
  • edited 7:00PM
    I just pushed a fix that should hopefully take care of at least that issue (and hopefully several others).
  • edited 7:00PM
    Just to let you know this still has not been fixed.
  • edited 7:00PM
    Are you using the latest version found here?

    If so, can you give me reproduction steps? I'm not able to replicate it locally.
  • edited 7:00PM
    Yes the latest version.

    Fresh install, CSRF set to TRUE in the config file then attempt to log in to admin section of the cms and an error appears (can't remember what exactly). Set it to FALSE and I can log in.

    I'm using wampserver.
  • edited 7:00PM
    I'm able to replicate the problem but only on a WAMP server. It works OK on XAMPP, MAMP and my Mac OSX native apache server. Any chance you want to try on a XAMPP server to see if it works?
  • edited 7:00PM
    If its just WAMP that's fine, I'll change shortly.

    Thank you.
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