Is there a hook for the CMS "duplicate" function?

edited February 2013 in Feature Requests
Hello there,

is there a way to detect when an entry is being duplicated via the CMS action 'duplicate' so that certain actions can be taken?



  • edited February 2013
    There is not at the moment. It simply just looks for a $_POST key of "dup" on the controller's "create" method.

    What are you needing to do on duplicate that's different?
  • edited 1:57PM
    Well, i'd like to be able to also duplicate uploaded content via some of my own highly custom media uploads methods...

    Thanks anyway, I think I'll implement my own 'Duplicate' button and add it to the 'Others' action in the top bar...
  • edited 1:57PM
    I thought it a good idea to add. I've added it as an "on_duplicate" model hook so you can add that functionality to your model.
  • edited 1:57PM
    Great! Thanks
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