Can't Decipher Form Submission URI routing
I am trying to trace the flow of a form submission from blog posts in the admin module.
The form action attribute is "
This would lead me to expect that the target is the advanced fuel module "blog" and a controller named "posts" and a method named "edit" with a parameter of "1" meaning record 1.
However, I can find no such controller/method. By doing global search on the codebase, I can not find any controller named "posts" that seems to have relevant code, or any method named "edit" in any file that seems to have relevant code. In fact, I cannot find any model or superclass with a method named "edit" that seems to have relevant code.
It seems possible that perhaps the URI resolves somehow to the "blog_posts_model", but I cannot see where this resolution happens, and the "blog_posts_model" does not seem to have an edit method. Additionally, the Base_Module_model that it extends does not have an "edit" method.
I cant seem to find anything in the docs that helps me to trace this code execution (ie, a step-by-step explanation of the steps FuelCMS goes through to resolve URIs), so I am at a loss to follow this part of the code.
Can anyone help?
(PS, not sure where to put this, I know it's not a bug report, but there is no section titled "How do I do this?" )
I've only got 1.0 to hand (assuming you're on a lower version) and I can see that all blog uri's run through the base fuel/module controller.
The module.php controller in the fuel directory is the main controller for fuel. In here you'll find create and edit with a host of others.
Relying on a code search may not always net you a result, especially if say _remap() is being used.
(Yes, I am on V0.93)