Blog comments form error

edited August 2012 in Bug Reports
For some reason when you enable captcha in blog comment form, the input is not required, so people can submit empty captcha . Even in blog.php capcha is set to "required". I don't understand where is the logic for the required fields is defined if not in blog.php? Even if you remove couple inputs from the form it still throws and errors saying to fill the inputs that are not even rendered.
The screen shots are attached.
Thanks in advance, Arthur


  • edited 7:26AM
    I have noticed, that for some reason the logic is separated between the controller and module. Why you do that?
  • edited 7:26AM
    The "required" array keys used by Form_builder in the screenshot you have, is to render the "*" next to the field. The actual validation for the fields is done in a couple spots. The first is it uses the blog_comments_model validator object to make sure all the fields are valid and can be inputted into the blog comments table OK. The captcha validation takes place in the _process_comment function in the blog controller.

    With regards to being able to submit empty captchas, I'm not able to replicate that locally. Are you able to debug the controller to see if and how the comment is getting through without properly validating?
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