Strange Upload bug

edited May 2012 in Bug Reports
I am having an issue with certain types of image. On saving I am getting an error:

The filetype you are attempting to upload is not allowed.

Its only happening with certain jpgs or png's. I can upload 10 jpgs or pngs and out of those 10, 5 will upload fine and the other half will come back with this error even though the file type is correct. WIERD.

Anyone had anything similar happening?

$fields['imagesection'] = array('label'=>'Image Management','type'=>'section','order' => '15');
$fields['first_image']['order'] = '16';
$fields['first_image']['class'] = 'asset_select images/models';
$fields['first_image']['overwrite'] = TRUE;
$fields['first_image_upload']['order'] = '17';
$fields['first_image_upload']['upload_path'] = assets_server_path('images/models/');
$fields['first_image_upload']['accept'] = 'jpg|jpeg|gif|tiff|png';


  • edited 7:06PM
    Try setting the "sanitize_images" parameter on your module to FALSE in your MY_fuel_modules.php file for that particular module. There is an xss_clean function that will sometimes return a FALSE positive for certain images.
  • edited 7:06PM
    That has done the trick! Thanks again
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