Call to undefined function fuel_nav() in global.php

edited April 2012 in Modules
I followed the same method of controllers as that of blog/settings but i am getting error as fuel_nav() undefined


  • edited 11:05PM
    Could you provide a little more information or recreation steps to help debug?
  • edited 11:05PM
    This is my controller


    class example1 extends Fuel_base_controller {
    public $nav_selected = 'example1';

    function __construct()
    $this->config->module_load('example1', 'example1');

    function index()
    $this->load->module_model(EXAMPLE_FOLDER, 'example');
    $this->js_controller_params['method'] = 'add_edit';

    $field_values = $this->example->find_all_array_assoc('number');

    if (!empty($_POST['example1']))
    // format data for saving
    $save = array();
    foreach($field_values as $field => $value)
    $example1 = $this->input->post('example1', TRUE);
    $val = (isset($example1[$field])) ? $example1[$field] : '';
    $save[] = array('number' => $field, 'value' => trim($val));
    $this->session->set_flashdata('success', lang('data_saved'));



    $fields = array();
    $fields['number'] = array();
    $fields['date'] = array();
    $fields['time'] = array();
    $fields['invoiceno'] = array();
    $fields['invoicedate'] = array();

    $this->form_builder->label_layout = 'left';
    $this->form_builder->form->validator = &$this->example->get_validation();
    $this->form_builder->use_form_tag = FALSE;
    $this->form_builder->display_errors = FALSE;
    $this->form_builder->name_array = 'example1';
    $this->form_builder->submit_value = 'Save';

    $vars = array();
    $vars['form'] = $this->form_builder->render();
    a$vars['warn_using_config'] = !$this->config->item('blog_use_db_table_settings');

    $this->_render('example1', $vars);


  • edited 11:05PM
    What is the URI to this page and do you have a route in place for it? Is it at least getting to the constructor method?
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