Cannot change navigation group in admin

edited February 2012 in Bug Reports

Just updated to v0.9.3-147 and I cannot change the navigation anymore in the navigation list with Chrome.
The select list displays correctly but when I pick an option the page reloads but stays on the first option.
Tried to clear the cache but didn't help. Works fine with Firefox.

Chrome version: 16.0.912.77m


  • edited 1:39AM
    When you say navigation list, where are you referring?
  • edited 1:39AM
    Strangely it works now, probably a cache issue...

    Anyway, I was referring to the Navigation Group dropdown (in the top right corner) of the /fuel/navigation page.

    Quickly another question: is there a way to get the location of the current page (not the URI)? I would like to add a canonical link for each page in the header.

    Sorry for the troubles and thanks!
  • edited 1:39AM
    CodeIgniter has a current_url() function that sounds like what you need. For a URI, you can use the FUEL function uri_path().
  • edited 1:39AM
    My problem is that my client does not really make a difference between and but Google in fact consider it as 2 different urls, this creates duplicate content.
    I thought of the canonical link as a solution but I would need the actual location as saved in the DB to do that.
  • edited February 2012
    To query the pages_model, you can do the following:
    $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->module_model(FUEL_FOLDER, 'pages_model'); $location = uri_path(); $page = $CI->pages_model->find_by_location($location);
    However, find_by_location is case sensitive and "Test" and "test" are considered different so you may need to check for both by running a strtolower() or ucfirst() function on the $location value.
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