javascript before closing body tag

edited October 2011 in Modules

I've got javascript included automatically right before the closing body tag and it conflicts with my header-included scripts. I don't know what this does or how it works, whether I can remove it or not and how. Any documentation on this?


  • edited 8:20AM
    That sounds like the inline editing code that is inserted when you you are logged in to FUEL. What are the conflicts?
  • edited October 2011
    Ok that was a bad assumption of mine because when not logged in it doesn't work either.
    I'm adding fancybox and usually I get it up and running within 5 minutes but this time ... it won't work.
    The funny thing is, normally when clicking links that are attached to fancybox and the thing is malconfigured you still get a loading link - not here though: nothing moves when clicking.
    Any configs I need to check?
    (edit: front page, not admin section)
    I realize that I need to give more info:
    - created assets/thirdparty/fancybox with all the stuff in it

    From global.php:
    $vars['js_jquery'] = array('jquery-1.6.2.min.js', 'jquery.selectbox-0.6.1.js'); $vars['fancybox'] = array( base_url() .'assets/thirdparty/fancybox/jquery.mousewheel-3.0.4.pack.js', base_url() .'assets/thirdparty/fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.pack.js', base_url() .'assets/thirdparty/fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.css' ); $vars['js_after'] = array('functions.js');

    <?php echo css($css); ?> <?php echo js($js_jquery); ?> <?php echo js($fancybox); ?> <?php echo js($js_after); ?>
  • edited 8:20AM
    @Raknjak do you know if the fancybox stuff is actually getting loaded? You can check using the net panel of firebug.

    Also, if the jquery library is called twice, that can cause issues.
  • edited 8:20AM
    To follow up on what toymachine62 says, check your console to see if there are any javascript errors when the page loads.
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