refresh and loggout

edited July 2011 in Bug Reports
Working on one of the custom module and having this weird behaviour, on the edit page, if i refresh , I will be redirect to login screen again, it seem like the session has been destroy and logout me, any ideas what shall I look after ?


  • edited 1:47AM
    Try killing the fuel related session cookies.
  • edited 1:47AM
    useless, it seem like every time refresh it remove the fuel session, which causing the logout
  • edited 1:47AM
    Does it happen in a different browser? Is it perhaps because you don't have a permission set for that module and you don't have access to that module (if you are a "super admin" then you should).
  • edited 1:47AM
    it seem like related to chinese character input, digging more info on this.
  • edited 1:47AM
    it seem like is iconv issue, it affect all the multibyte char , this thread should be helpful for anyone having the same problem
  • edited 1:47AM
    Did you wind up using utf-8//IGNORE somewhere (good to know BTW)?
  • edited 1:47AM
    it is more like I having input which allow multibyte char ( chinese, jap) so if the field is a compulsory field, it will be logout when refresh the edit page, if you try to save the multibyte char won't save.

    so checking through the lib it seem like the iconv utf-8 to utf-8/IGNORE will return empty string, guess it might be the iconv 1.31 problem on MAMP.
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