Error in WigiCorp installation

edited May 2011 in Bug Reports
When you run the install script for the 9.1 release (Wigicorp demo site) you get the following error
Notice: Undefined offset: -1 in C:\www\isoft\fuel\modules\fuel\config\fuel_constants.php on line 12
That line reads :- define('WEB_FOLDER', $_FUEL_SEGS[count($_FUEL_SEGS)-2]);
I changed it to :- define('WEB_FOLDER', $_FUEL_SEGS[count($_FUEL_SEGS)-1]);
and that seems to sort the problem out. Not sure if it's the right thing to do - but it worked !


  • edited 10:28PM
    I'd recommend downloading the "demo" branch which is kept up to date:
  • edited 10:28PM
    I downloaded both the 9.1 and the 9.3 from URL you suggested above but they both still have the bug in them. 9.1 is on line 12 and 9.3 is on line 13.
  • edited 10:28PM
    I believe I've ran into this before and it had something to do with the value of $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] being different across platforms. What platform are you running it on (WAMP, XAMPP... etc) and what is the value of $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] (echo it out right before that error)?
  • edited 10:28PM
    I am running Windows 7 and Apache. The $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] = C:\www\isoft\index.php - "c:\www\isoft" is where the web site is situated.
    Hope this helps.
  • edited 10:28PM
    What happens if on line 12 you set '/' to '\' (back slash to a forward), in the explode call?
  • edited 10:28PM
    That seems to fix the problem but it needs to be '\\' and not '\'
  • edited 10:28PM
    Just another question while we're at it - are there any different css style sheets available for download i.e besides WigiCorp ?
  • edited 10:28PM
    I'll push a fix for that SCRIPT_FILENAME path. With regards to the styles sheet, we don't have any additional CSS or themes to download. We normally customize that for client's design and use the common.cs and reset.css as starting points.
  • edited 10:28PM
    OK. Thanks for help.
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