WidgiCorp demo && v0.93

edited March 2011 in Installation
Can some one explain me how to implement demo site on the fuelcms v0.93
(FF4 , 3.16 ) i have problem with jQx ... can't loaded an i can not see demo ....


  • edited 11:06PM
    A few questions:

    1. Are you able to login to the admin (e.g. http://localhost/fuel/login)?
    2. What platform are using (e.g. MAMP, WAMP, etc)
    3. What are you seeing instead of the demo?
  • edited 11:06PM
    1 ) yes i can log on admin section
    2 ) WAMP 2.1e (php 5.3.5) XP SP3
    3) after instal demo sql script i don't see demo template ... fuelcms.loc/ i see installation page ... after login to admin jQx are broken
  • edited 11:06PM
    Hmm... I just tried on my WAMP server and wasn't able to replicate the problem. In my case I installed the demo site in a subfolder called /v0.9.3 I then changed the .htaccess RewriteBase on line 4 to /v0.9.3/ and then setup the database and changed the fuel/application/config/database.php.

    When you say you are having a problem with jQx, what are you seeing that is jQx related? Does FireBug give you any error information?
  • edited 11:06PM
    Hi, I have the same issue. When I installed fuel cms, i don´t know how to implement widgicrop theme demosite. Please can you help me with implementation ?
    I allredy install widgicorp.sql to mysql ..

    Thanks, and sorry for my English
  • edited 11:06PM
    What problems are you seeing? Have you done steps 4-5 found here?
  • edited 11:06PM
    Yes i have done these steps ... CMS work correctly, even administration is ok, but I want to install widgicorp to my fresh install fuel cms, but i don´t know how. Is there some tutorial how to run this demosite ?
  • edited 11:06PM
    Have you downloaded this version?
  • edited 11:06PM
  • edited 11:06PM
    Ohh, thare was the problem... I donwload another version, I don´t know that exist another version than master version.. I don´t really know github portal .. Thank you so mutch, :) it´s my fault
  • edited 11:06PM
    I assume this may be the same problem I am having. I see 3 branches on the GitHub website but the URLs all say https://github.com/daylightstudio/FUEL-CMS.git so this is the version I downloaded. However, I can find no way to install the demo. The only mention of the demo I see, is on the welcome page that states "Install the database by first creating the database in MySQL and then running either fuel/install/fuel_schema.sql OR the fuel/install/widgicorp.sql with the latter if you want the demo site to run." So I installed the database using widgicorp.sql but I don't see any other information for installing the demo.
  • edited 11:06PM
    Also I am pulling down from GitHub by using msysgit (http://code.google.com/p/msysgit/). Perhaps this is part of the problem?
  • edited 11:06PM
    Try creating a branch and pulling like so from your current repo:
    git checkout -b demo origin/demo

  • edited 11:06PM
    I read that article before, but I got a little confused. I forked the repo and cloned it to my local system from my fork. This essentially created a FUEL-CMS folder with the contents from the master branch, which is fine I want to keep this. I can't figure out for the life of me how to pull down the demo branch. I tried git checkout -b demo origin/demo but it just said "Branch demo set up to track remote branch demo from origin. Switched to a new branch 'demo'". So it looks like I'm on the right track but here is the stump. How do I pull the contents of the demo branch to my local repo without overwriting my master?
  • edited 11:06PM
    I think may already have what you need. By running the "git checkout -b demo origin/demo" command, you've created a local version of the branch. You should have those files locally from the original https://github.com/daylightstudio/FUEL-CMS.git clone. To switch back to your master version, you would use "git checkout master" which will change the folder contents to the master branch.
  • edited 11:06PM
    Your absolutely right. Once I switched to the demo branch using "git checkout -b demo origin/demo" the files in my local repository changed to reflect the demo branch. I didn't realize this was a seamless process and thought I needed to somehow fetch the data from the repository.

    In any case why does it say in the master branch default page "to run either fuel/install/fuel_schema.sql OR the fuel/install/widgicorp.sql with the latter if you want the demo site to run."? If we can see that specific page then the master branch was installed and therefore this line is irrelevant and therefore confusing.
  • edited 11:06PM
    I see your point. The demo site use to actually be the default download but that was stripped away and put into a separate branch. The intention was for those folks wanting to run the demo to know that they need to install a different database for the demo site to run correctly since there is no similar start screen for the demo site.
  • edited 11:06PM
    After reinstalling several times, I tried this and it worked oob:
    Just fork the repo on github and in the admin section of the fork, declare the demo branch as default. I tried this because I just installed the github for mac app. @mac users: try it now and enjoy a full smiling day!
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