Using FUEL_NAV to build Page Titles and Breadcrumbs

edited July 2013 in Modules
I just found FUEL-CMS and am reproducing a site to learn how to use it. I have previously built the site in CodeIgniter.

I do not get the expected result when I attempt to use fuel_nav in the global.php _variables file to build page_title and breadcrumb menus. I have a nav.php file built in _variables and use the Menu class Render method to display but the result seems random and based on the wrong data. I certainly suspect I am using these incorrectly, and sincerely hope you can put me on the right track.

Example from global.php ($CI is instantiated and language file is loaded):
$vars['breadcrumb'] = fuel_nav(array(
'render_type' => 'breadcrumb',
'active' => $CI->uri->uri_string(),
'parent_id' => NULL,
'delimiter' => ' :: ',
'home_link' => lang('default_crumb_top')
$vars['meta_title'] = fuel_nav(array(
'render_type' => 'page_title',
'delimiter' => ' : ',
'home_link' => lang('default_title_default')
the request for display on the page:
echo $this->menu->render($breadcrumb);
echo $this->menu->render($page_title);

Thanking you in advance for any help on this - Chris


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