Error with installation-sitename

edited October 2016 in News & Announcements
Hi, i am a new user of Fuel cms, i am currently trying to install it for the first time, i have gone through the necessary steps as outlined in the tutorial below. I m stuck at the last stage, that is stage 7 where am supposed to Log into my fresh install and change the default username and password.

Login to your site:

User Name: admin

Password: admin

Change the default user name and password

I am not able to log into my newly created site, i think because am not sure what my sitename should be in the first place..will be happy to get any assistance.Thank you.


  • Where have you installed Fuel? On your local machine? On a separate server? In a particular directory? In your example above, change "" to the IP address of your computer or server where you have installed Fuel. If you've installed it into a sub-directory, remember to add that to your URL.
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