Problem with permissions in advanced module

edited February 2015 in Modules
I have a problem with the permissions and advanced modules:
I have advanced module called "epic" and simple module inside called "markets" i need to set permission (for example, only editing),
but when I add the permissions like -

'permission' => array('markets', 'create', 'edit', 'publish', 'delete'),

(tried to write in different ways, the result is the same),
and adding to database -

INSERT INTO `fuel_permissions` (`id`, `description`, `name`, `active`)
(NULL,'Markets: Create','markets/create','yes'),
(NULL,'Markets: Edit','markets/edit','yes'),
(NULL,'Markets: Publish','markets/publish','yes'),
(NULL,'Markets: Delete','markets/delete','yes');

Login as EDITOR and menu item does not appear in the module, if i go 'fuel/epic/markets', module loads, but i can not do anything other than sorting, however: if change
'permission' => 'markets' -
menu item appears, but the permissions doesn't work correctly, user has full access to the module(not only 'edit'), if i use simple module outside advanced module, setting
'permission' => array('markets', 'create', 'edit', 'publish', 'delete') -
everything works as expected...
Please tell me where could be the problem.
and sorry for my bad english ;)


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